Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Peanut is a popular food in Vietnam. However, this dish has great health effects that not everyone knows.

Good for cardiovascular
Many studies have shown that Peanuts rich in unsaturated fats protects the heart, which is good for preventing cardiovascular disease. In addition, it contains powerful antioxidants, typically oleic acid.
People who regularly consume peanuts and peanut products can lower the incidence of heart disease by 35%. Frequent menopausal women may reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease.
Wheat rich in unsaturated fat helps to protect the heart. Reduce cholesterol, prevent aging
Niacin nutrients help boost memory and control cholesterol levels. In addition, these can also cut the bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol, which is beneficial for the body.
In addition, peanuts contain natural polyphenols, in addition to lower cholesterol, protect the heart also has a very good anti-aging effect.
Prevent cancer
Teta-sitoserol, found in some plant oils such as peanuts and peanuts, not only helps fight cardiovascular disease by interfering with cholesterol absorption, they also fight cancer by blocking the growth of the cell.
In addition, according to Oriental Medicine, peanut has the effect of supplement, laxative, sputum, regulate blood, swelling, stop bleeding, diuretic, increased lactation, cool throat. When you have loss of foot or leg, lack of milk, constipation, high blood pressure, kidney inflammation ... you can use peanuts to cure.

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